When it comes to the latest trucking solutions, technology is often at the forefront of the discussion, and rightfully so. Technology has streamlined complicated data and carrier information in a way that would have been unthinkable just a few decades ago. At the same time, technology does not alleviate the need for human decision making in the transportation and logistics industry.

Logistics freight brokers combine the best of human interaction, transportation and logistics technology for the benefit of their clients and supply chain demands overall. In fact, freight brokers add value for shippers by:

  1. Vetting, Ensuring Quality Carriers
  2. Strengthening Network Relationships
  3. Securing Trucking Capacity
  4. Creating Transparency

Somerset Logistics is a customer-focused freight agent broker company that has delivered 99.94% of loads on-time without damage. Contact us about your shipment needs and learn about the services we can provide.

Vetting, Ensuring Quality Carriers

While freight brokers have a vast network of carriers at their disposal, they do not simply choose any carrier for their clients. Rather, they take on the responsibility of keeping up-to-date records on carriers’ licensing, insurance, and regulatory compliance information. This process is known as vetting. 

Carriers’ reliability, safety, and compliance are understandably of the utmost importance for shippers; their products and merchandise are the cargo, after all! A freight broker can quickly assess carriers’ ratings and recommend the most reliable options for their clients.

Strengthening Network Relationships

Freight brokers are much more than logistics experts; they are relationship builders. You could even say that the freight broker is the matchmaker connecting their shippers with the right carriers! How, exactly? They assess their client’s capacity needs, then they leverage their digital platforms and data history to identify vetted carriers within their network who are available and plan to travel the route needed.

Shippers reap the benefits from their connection with the freight broker in several ways. First, their network is enlarged, and they may discover new providers and routes they were not previously aware of. Second, in cases where shippers are looking to be cost-efficient and savvy, the freight broker is able to search for available capacity that could result in better prices for their clients. Third, when a job is executed with accuracy and speed, a new business relationship can potentially form.

Securing Types of Equipment

Trucking capacity is a constant factor – if not one of the most important factors – in the shipping industry. Capacity is important because it varies from the amount of space that is available on a truck to the unique mode of transportation that is needed to haul a particular shipment. For example, hauling an oversized piece of machinery will require a truck with very specific capabilities that may include necessary legal permitting, as well as additional resources.

When looking to find the right equipment for your shipment, a freight broker can be the single phone call you make in order to get your product on the road, no matter what it is. Freight brokers at Somerset Logistics, for instance, capitalize on our hard-earned relationships throughout the industry to secure equipment for our customers’ needs, whether that be for expedited loads, heavy and oversized loads, intermodal shipments, or otherwise.

Creating Transparency

With revenue at stake, how can a shipper know their freight is on-track for delivery and being handled with care? Rather than feel out-of-the-loop because they’ve outsourced their logistics operations to a freight broker, shippers actually benefit tremendously when the freight broker prioritizes open communication and customer service by providing frequent updates and reports.

Our business model at Somerset Logistics is exactly that. We firmly believe that transparency creates trust with our customers! Communication with our clients is an integral part of our business, especially if and when there is bad news. In this industry, mishaps and delays happen, which is why our freight brokers strive to be up-front.

Somerset Logistics provides all of these benefits and more for our clients. Our dedicated team has over 20 years of logistics experience and hard-earned customer relationships. Speak with a Somerset representative about streamlining your shipment operations today!